declare @SPPrefix varchar(5) declare @Author nvarchar (250) declare @Schema nvarchar(100) declare @createInsert bit declare @createupdate bit declare @createdelete bit declare @createSelect bit declare @createSelectByPrimaryKey bit declare @DisplaySQL bit declare @ExecuteSQL bit ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Script settings begin -- -- Original location : -- -- Please update the script settings as needed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set @Author = SUSER_NAME() set @SPPrefix = 'usp_' set @Schema = 'dbo' set @createInsert = 1 set @createUpdate = 1 set @createDelete = 1 set @createSelect = 1 set @createSelectByPrimaryKey = 1 set @DisplaySQL = 0 set @ExecuteSQL = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Script settings end -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Do not edit below this point. -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on declare @TableName nvarchar(max) = '' declare cursorTables CURSOR FOR select TABLE_NAME from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES where TABLE_TYPE = 'BASE TABLE' and TABLE_NAME not like '%_Audit' and TABLE_NAME != 'sysdiagrams' and TABLE_SCHEMA = @Schema order by TABLE_NAME open cursorTables fetch next from cursorTables into @TableName while @@fetch_status = 0 begin create table #TableInformation ( myRowCount int, tableName nvarchar(max), schemaName nvarchar(max), columnName nvarchar(max), isPrimaryKey bit, dataType nvarchar(max), defaultValue nvarchar(max) ) insert into #TableInformation ( myRowCount, SchemaName, tableName, columnName, DataType, isPrimaryKey, defaultValue ) SELECT INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.ORDINAL_POSITION, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.table_schema, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME, INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME, information_schema.COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE + ' ' + case when information_schema.COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE IN (N'numeric', N'decimal') then '(' + cast( information_schema.COLUMNS.NUMERIC_PRECISION as varchar ) + ', ' + cast( information_schema.COLUMNS.NUMERIC_SCALE as varchar ) + ') ' when information_schema.COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE IN (N'datetime2', N'datetimeoffset', N'time') then '(' + cast( information_schema.COLUMNS.DATETIME_PRECISION as varchar ) + ') ' when information_schema.COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE IN (N'geography', N'geometry', N'hierarchyid', N'image', N'ntext', N'sql_variant', N'text', N'xml') then '' else case when information_schema.COLUMNS.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH is not null then REPLACE('('+ CAST( information_schema.COLUMNS.CHARACTER_MAXIMUM_LENGTH as varchar) +')', '(-1)', '(max)') else '' end end as DataTypeLength, case when INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_TYPE is not null then 1 else 0 end as IsPrimaryKey, information_schema.COLUMNS.COLUMN_DEFAULT as defaultValue FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS LEFT OUTER JOIN information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE ON INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME=information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.TABLE_NAME AND INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.COLUMN_NAME=information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.COLUMN_NAME AND INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.ORDINAL_POSITION=information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.ORDINAL_POSITION LEFT OUTER JOIN INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS ON information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.TABLE_NAME=information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.TABLE_NAME AND information_schema.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE.CONSTRAINT_NAME=information_schema.TABLE_CONSTRAINTS.CONSTRAINT_NAME WHERE information_schema.COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME= @TableName and information_schema.COLUMNS.DATA_TYPE != 'timestamp' and INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS.table_schema = @Schema ORDER BY information_schema.COLUMNS.ORDINAL_POSITION declare @PKColumn as nvarchar(max) declare @PKColumnType as nvarchar(max) declare @IntoList as nvarchar(max) declare @ParamList as nvarchar(max) declare @IntoListValues as nvarchar(max) declare @Line nvarChar(max) declare @SPText nvarChar(max) declare @i int declare @max int set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' -- --Set Schema & primary key values -- set @PKColumn = null set @PKColumnType = null select @PKColumn = columnName, @PKColumnType = rtrim(ltrim(dataType)) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 1 if @PKColumn is null begin print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' print '--There is no primary key on the "' + @TableName + '" the CRUD process will not be run for this table.' print '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' end else begin -- -- Insert stored procedure. -- if @createInsert = 1 begin set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @ParamList = @ParamList + ' @' + columnName + ' ' + DataType + ' = ' + isnull(replace(replace(defaultValue, '(', ''), ')', ''), 'NULL') from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @ParamList = @ParamList + ' @' + columnName + ' ' + DataType + ' = ' + isnull(replace(replace(defaultValue, '(', ''), ')', ''), 'NULL') + ', ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + '[' + columnName + ']', @IntoListValues = @IntoListValues + '@' + columnName + '' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + '[' + columnName + '], ', @IntoListValues = @IntoListValues + '@' + columnName + ', ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end set @SPText = 'if exists ( select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N''['+ @Schema +'].['+ @SPPrefix + @TableName +'_Insert]'') AND type in (N''P'', N''PC'')) drop procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Insert] ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText set @SPText = 'create procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Insert] ' + @ParamList + ' as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Script history --Script name ' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Insert() --Creation date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Author: '+ @Author +' -- --Comment date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Comment: Generated via the CRUD generation process. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on set XACT_ABORT on declare @errorNumber int declare @rowCount int begin transaction insert into ['+ @TableName +'] ( ' + @IntoList + ' ) values ( ' + @IntoListValues +' ) set @errorNumber = @@ERROR if @errorNumber != 0 goto error_routine commit return 0 error_routine: rollback transaction return @errorNumber ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText end -- -- Update stored procedure. -- if @createUpdate = 1 begin set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @ParamList = @ParamList + ' @' + columnName + ' ' + DataType + ' = ' + isnull(replace(replace(defaultValue, '(', ''), ')', ''), 'NULL') from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @ParamList = @ParamList + ' @' + columnName + ' ' + DataType + ' = ' + isnull(replace(replace(defaultValue, '(', ''), ')', ''), 'NULL') + ', ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + '[' + columnName + '] = @' + columnName from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + '[' + columnName + '] = @' + columnName + ', ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end set @SPText = 'if exists ( select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N''['+ @Schema +'].['+ @SPPrefix + @TableName +'_Update]'') AND type in (N''P'', N''PC'')) drop procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Update] ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText set @SPText = 'create procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Update] @' + @PKColumn + ' ' + @PKColumnType + ', ' + @ParamList + ' as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Script history --Script name ' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Update() --Creation date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Author: '+ @Author +' -- --Comment date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Comment: Generated via the CRUD generation process. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on set XACT_ABORT on declare @errorNumber int declare @rowCount int begin transaction update ['+ @TableName +'] set ' + @IntoList + ' where ['+ @PKColumn +'] = @'+ @PKColumn +' set @errorNumber = @@ERROR if @errorNumber != 0 goto error_routine commit return 0 error_routine: rollback transaction return @errorNumber ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText end -- -- Delete stored procedure. -- if @createdelete = 1 begin set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' set @SPText = 'if exists ( select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N''['+ @Schema +'].['+ @SPPrefix + @TableName +'_Delete]'') AND type in (N''P'', N''PC'')) drop procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Delete] ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText set @SPText = 'create procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Delete] @' + @PKColumn + ' ' + @PKColumnType + ' as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Script history --Script name ' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Delete() --Creation date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Author: '+ @Author +' -- --Comment date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Comment: Generated via the CRUD generation process. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on set XACT_ABORT on declare @errorNumber int declare @rowCount int begin transaction delete from ['+ @TableName +'] where ['+ @PKColumn +'] = @'+ @PKColumn +' set @errorNumber = @@ERROR if @errorNumber != 0 goto error_routine commit return 0 error_routine: rollback transaction return @errorNumber ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText end -- -- Select stored procedure. -- if @createSelect = 1 begin set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + ' [' + columnName + '] ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + ' [' + columnName + '], ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end set @SPText = 'if exists ( select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N''['+ @Schema +'].['+ @SPPrefix + @TableName +'_Select]'') AND type in (N''P'', N''PC'')) drop procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select] ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText set @SPText = 'create procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select] as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Script history --Script name ' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select() --Creation date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Author: '+ @Author +' -- --Comment date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Comment: Generated via the CRUD generation process. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on set XACT_ABORT on declare @errorNumber int declare @rowCount int begin transaction select [' + @PKColumn + '], '+ @IntoList +' from ['+ @TableName +'] (nolock) set @errorNumber = @@ERROR if @errorNumber != 0 goto error_routine commit return 0 error_routine: rollback transaction return @errorNumber ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText end -- -- Select by primary key stored procedure. -- if @createSelectByPrimaryKey = 1 begin set @IntoListValues = '' set @IntoList = '' set @Line = '' set @SPText = '' set @ParamList = '' select @i = min(myRowCount), @max = max(myRowCount) from #TableInformation where isPrimaryKey = 0 while @i <= @max begin set @Line = '' if @i = @max begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + ' [' + columnName + '] ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end else begin select @IntoList = @IntoList + ' [' + columnName + '], ' from #TableInformation where myRowCount = @i end set @i = @i + 1 end set @SPText = 'if exists ( select * from sys.objects where object_id = object_id(N''['+ @Schema +'].['+ @SPPrefix + @TableName +'_Select_ByPrimaryKey]'') AND type in (N''P'', N''PC'')) drop procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select_ByPrimaryKey] ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText set @SPText = 'create procedure ['+ @Schema +'].[' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select_ByPrimaryKey] @' + @PKColumn + ' ' + @PKColumnType + ' as --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Script history --Script name ' + @SPPrefix + @TableName + '_Select_ByPrimaryKey() --Creation date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Author: '+ @Author +' -- --Comment date: '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), GETDATE(), 113) +' --Comment: Generated via the CRUD generation process. -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set NOCOUNT on set XACT_ABORT on declare @errorNumber int declare @rowCount int begin transaction select [' + @PKColumn + '], '+ @IntoList +' from ['+ @TableName +'] (nolock) where ['+ @PKColumn +'] = @'+ @PKColumn +' set @errorNumber = @@ERROR if @errorNumber != 0 goto error_routine commit return 0 error_routine: rollback transaction return @errorNumber ' if @DisplaySQL = 1 print @SPText + ' go ' if @ExecuteSQL = 1 EXEC sp_executesql @SPText end end drop table #TableInformation fetch next from cursorTables into @TableName end CLOSE cursorTables DEALLOCATE cursorTables